Do you know that feeling when everyone was trying to cheer you up, saying things like 'Hope you get better soon' or 'Smile, you'll feel better', but they have no idea why they're saying that? As if they're in charge of your life, and saying those things feels like an automated response, set within human's mind, whenever we see someone's feeling down and we feel that we need to help in some way. Therefore, we say meanless things like that, without even considering what happened. Because sometimes, we feel the need to keep some problems or secrets to ourselves. It's not trust, but we don't want people meddling in our affairs, because we are in-charge of our own life. And friends eventually will not stick around for 24 hours anyway.
But they will say anything,help you with everything so that we get our life back on track, realising that life isn't as 'dark' as we thought it be. If we stay gloomy like this forever, we'll be missing our purpose in life. And how would we expect to find happiness and letting others in our life to make it more 'beautiful' than we know it?
Perhaps, emphaty is the key to achieve the intended results preferred here. We want our friends to be happy, but we need to remember, that friends are also human. They face things like conflicts, and some handle it better than others, sure. Let's put it that way. Even I have no clue. But, life goes on. You don't stop for things like this, you push them/or carry them along, bearing a 'smile' even if it aches. Thus, the title 'Smileache' =)
P/S: I wonder, if things have been different, life would better by a little. At least, than it did previously.
Here's hoping my life would get better. Soon.